The Startup Guide
Raising capital from strangers is not only one of the hardest things an entrepreneur can ever attempt to do, it’s also one of the most unpleasant activities imaginable for most of us. Very few people enjoy the process of knocking on doors with cap in hand asking total strangers for money. The only real way to ensure that you will get respect from investors and have the discretion to say “no thanks” to a bad deal is if you can create some traction in the marketplace first. Traction, which is defined as bona fide sales to paying customers, goes a long way to providing you with both.
As the old Rodney Dangerfield joke goes, entrepreneurial wannabes with nothing but a business plan “get no respect.”
But you probably know all this by now. That’s how you probably ended up on this website. Perhaps a venture capitalist or angel investor recommended that you get the Startup Guide and come back in six months?
The Startup Guide is designed for anyone wishing to start a business and not just for venture capital seekers.
The Author
Peter has been starting, growing, and dealing in successful businesses since the 1980s. His first entrepreneurial initiative was a student operated painting service begun in his freshman year. Over the next three years this company grew into a national franchise which Peter sold upon graduation.
Since college, Peter has held executive positions with a number of corporations, both private and publicly-held. In 1988 Peter became a partner in Ashton Montana & Company a management consultancy providing financial and marketing services to technology companies. Afterwards, Peter served for over three years as CEO of Leisuretech Corp., a publicly-traded company. He spent another four years managing CalWest an innovative venture fund geared towards start-up companies. During the late 1990s he was involved with a number of Seattle-based online companies, including CBeX which became the premiere mergers & acquisitions of its day.
In addition to his own entrepreneurial forays, Peter has assisted numerous technology companies in selling themselves to investors, acquirers, and the public via IPO.
He has appeared numerous times on television, radio, and in print media to discuss various topics relating to entrepreneurship and creative financing for startups. This site has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, and other publications. Peter graduated from Simon Fraser University, one of Canada’s top business schools.
Currently, Peter is actively engaged in acquiring businesses particularly those with renewable energy related technologies. He also devotes five hours per week to serving as an advisor to other entrepreneurs conducting acquisitions.
About Billionaire Strategies: The How to Buy a Business Course
Despite the catchy title, this is a dead serious course for entrepreneurs interested in learning how to grow faster through deal-making and business acquisitions.
The majority of self-made billionaires made and still make their fortunes through wheeling & dealing in assets. These assets are businesses in most cases. This course is focused on how to accumulate small businesses. More specifically, it reveals in detail how billionaires build deal-making machines that acquire a lot of businesses, sometimes numbering in the hundreds, over the course of their careers. Many of them keep going into their nineties because it’s an exhilarating and fun way to make a kiving in direct contrast to building the same business day-after-day, ad nauseam.
Be forewarned that this course is for the hard core only. Raiders and buccaneers only please. This is not for the timid. It’s geared for people already running a business not wannabes.
I only wish that I had written this 20 years ago. However, you can now start your career off with an in-depth knowledge of the business world’s gold medal champ’s growth strategies and tactics. Think of the advantage you will have over your competition.
Find out more about Billionaire Strategies here.