Crowd Funding
Kickstarter raised the first $1 million in funding for the Veronica Mars movie in just 90 minutes. Within 11 hours it had raised $2 million.
Now that is impressive.
I don’t know what Veronica Mars is but do have a strong opinion about Kristen Bell needing to get out of the wretched and dreadful House of Lies into something else.
Codeislove launches a Kickstarter to create science games for kids
To have any chance of raising money through a crowdfunding site you need to be creative about how you will attract attention and stand out from the crowd.
I am impressed by how Amy is going about it. This is very clever.
Check out the pictures she posted of herself at Reddit:
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Explained
Most people still don’t fully understand how crowdfunding works. So with that in mind here is a short video that explains how the system operates to bring entrepreneurs and investors together. Continue reading