Providing Startup Financing Solutions Since 2001

Crowd Funding

This Proposed Crowdfunding Exemption Could Be the Big Breakthrough for This Type of Seed Capital

President Obama is going to push for an SEC exemption which has the potential to unleash a tsunami wave of private seed and startup capital to small enterprises. The exemption will cover amounts in the $10K to one million dollar range. You can read more about this initiative at the White House Office of Science and Technology website. Continue reading

How to Overcome the Problem With Small Crowdfunding Amounts

While crowdfunding is booming there’s a problem that comes with it. The seed capital amounts it enables you to raise tend to be small. The majority of crowdfunding transactions raise $25,000 or under for the borrower. This amount is not going to get you very far in most cases. However, there is a way to leverage the small amounts that crowdfunding can supply to raise additional capital. Continue reading