Hustler Profiles
Hustler Jordan Belfort Interview
If you haven’t heard of hustler Jordan Belfort (aka The Wolf of Wall Street) already, rest assured that you will in 2012. That’s when the Martin Scorcese movie about his life comes out. Leo Di Caprio will play Jordan. His story is about fast success early on, a fall, and then a comeback. Long story short, after running a number of businesses as a kid, he launched a real life Boiler Room brokerage firm, made millions, then got busted by SEC and did time. Now he’s back and, as action flick heroes like to say, this time it’s personal. Continue reading
Elon Musk is one of the greatest entrepreneurial geniuses of our age. He’s someone who can peer years into the future to spot today’s opportunities. Once you start this 52 minute video you won’t be able to stop. Set aside some uninterrupted time to learn from the man. Continue reading
As you probably know, Linkedin just went public and its founder Reid Hoffman became a billionaire as a result. Few realize that Reid started the huge networking site from his living room. Continue reading