What is FundaGeek?
Here’s a new site aimed providing crowdfunding for technical innovation.
Here’s what they say:
FundaGeek is the first Crowd Funding resource designed expressly for technical innovation – commercial projects based on technology, as well as basic research projects at universities and research institutions. FundaGeek is designed for securing funding for these projects without giving up equity interest and without incurring debt. Funding is provided via micro-pledges through use of social media in return for rewards.
The FundaGeek system for crowdfunding isn’t equity or debt based. Instead backers receive rewards.
Hi I am looking for financial backing to help develop (an 18 month old) completely interactie online t shirt and gift set business based on the epodemic of ‘grumpiness’ sweeping many parts of the World today. This website has been designed for social media with public submission features for slogans or graphic design already in place, along with our first game ‘filthy bankers’ aimed at a younger demographic.We are now seeking funding to help develop a Facebook vote-based design feature that will run with selected partner pages, a 24-hour ‘breaking news’ feature allowing people to be the first wearing hot topic designs and the development of games to further promote interaction. We also plan to mobile optimise the website as well as QR Code and SMS to develop the brand further and already have 2 voice apps ideas that will provide a unique and refreshing ‘alternative’ approach to the personal greetings market. A perfect time we think to get involved in a business based on discontent with high margins demonstrable in all product areas. Thank you.
Looking for funding of animal trials with an innovative device in dental implantologhy
If you are looking for a crowdfunding website, http://www.PleaseFund.Us is a great platform for all creative ideas looking to get financing through crowd funding.
For the planning and production of extreme horror films, two of which are ready to go.