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How Do You Start Building Great Wealth?

If you want to build something great in the world of business, you basically have two choices.

One, you can wait for the next Google-type idea to come along and jump aboard–that is if they let you. However, this is a long shot. There’s only one Google, only one Microsoft, only one Apple, etc. Yes, they are all replaced eventually by an upstart but it’s a bit like waiting for Halley’s Comet to come along. In the meantime, life is passing you by.

Space I can recover. Time, never. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Two, you can accept that much of business, just like sales, is little more than a numbers game. If you’re a so-so salesman who just happens to make a lot of sales calls and presentations, you are highly likely to do well over the long run. This approach holds true in most of life. Recall the famous story of Babe Ruth who in his day was not only the home run king but also the strike out champ. In fact, he struck out twice as many times as he had home runs. However, history remembers him for his successes not his failures.

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How Do IPOs Work?

With the IPO market heating up again, I thought you might like to know how going public works.

IPOs are incredibly complex and risky feats to pull off in today’s regulatory environment. However, the following story does a first rate job of highlighting the key steps in a successful one.

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