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The Magic of Recurring or Subscription Revenues

What’s one of the worst things about owning and running a business? It’s the fact that on the first of every single month your revenue resets to zero and you have to restart the process of building sales, reaching break-even, and hopefully realizing some profit by the end of it.

Up until just a few years ago the Recurring Monthly Revenue (aka RMR) model or subscription revenue model, if you prefer, was something associated with large companies and utilities. Think about how your old land telephone company had you locked into sending them a payment on the same day every month. Think about utilities such as the electric company. Then there’s your cable-TV company and your ISP. They all had you paying them on the same date every month.

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How to Sell Yourself When You Have No Credentials, Connections, or Money

So, who have you helped out so far? – The Customer

One of my favorite bloggers for a few years now has been James Altucher. He always has something interesting to speak or write about, and today I want to bring your attention to one of his best talks to date. Most people struggle with feelings of not being good enough to attract the best customers or charge market rates for their services. Here James gives an insightful and humorous talk on how to establish a beachhead for yourself when you’re a complete unknown.

By the way, James also has a new book out called “Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, and Live The Dream.” The Kindle version is just $4.99.

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