startup capital
How to Get Startup Capital and Seed Capital
Everyone wants them. Sometimes they can be provided by outsiders.
Oftentimes you will need to up your game and discover how elite entrepreneurs create startup and seed capital seemingly out of thin air. Not only will this help you to launch your startup quicker but it will impress the socks off future investors–should you still need them. Get started today in creating seed and startup capital.
Crowd funding should use the late great James Ling as its poster boy.
Let me tell you about this great but little known American entrepreneur. His name comes to mind whenever someone mentions crowd funding. Continue reading
Be Honest: Are You a Blanche DuBois Type Entrepreneur?
I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. – Blanche DuBois, A Streetcar Named Desire
Let’s take a look at the main differences between true entrepreneurs and the Blanche DuBois type wannabes.
True entrepreneurs are very resourceful by nature. Once they make the decision to proceed with a new venture they immediately shift their focus to how they can move forward with whatever resources happen to be at hand. One of the reasons that they are able to start making progress immediately is because there’s always something you can do to move forward. Always. You just have to be on the lookout for it.
In contrast, the Blanche DuBois entrepreneurial wannabes come up with an idea, maybe write a business plan and estimate of how much money they will need to implement it, and then sit down and wait and wait and wait some more for a kind stranger to come along and drop $50k, $500k, or $5 million into their laps.